Executive Search – Finding talented executives that match your company’s requirements and are suited for the job profile you have an opening for. With careful attention to your work ethos and environment, we identify candidates who can thrive in such workplaces.

Contingency Search – Our contingency recruitment services can be used by several businesses who are looking for highly skilled professionals in a short period of time. We have a vast pool of talents which we constantly explore, manage, and engage with to provide companies with relevant candidates.

HR Corporate Training – With personal years of experience in the talent acquisition industry, we have been able to identify best practices and problem areas which we regularly share with our partners through HR corporate trainings. These trainings are meant to strengthen your HR department and improve their efficiency.

HR Corporate Business Modeling – With a wealth of knowledge accumulated through years of working as a hiring partner for different industries, we have been able to identify sound HR corporate business models that can give your business a competitive edge. Our aim is to improve hiring processes by using business models that support industry-specific advancements in technology.

Competency Mapping – In our attempt to encourage continuous learning among candidates and in the organizations we partner with, our team offers competency mapping services to help individuals better understand their strengths and weaknesses. It provides them with actionable insights that they can work on.